Sunday, April 22, 2007


a leaf flies in the silent wind
the earth shakes in a sudden grind

the sun shines in its beautiful presence
the stars bend in their humble essence

flowers fragrant the air with beauty
birds sing eloquent praises in their duty

Such is the word of the Saint in Melody
Causes Creation to sing along in Harmony

- Sevak -

Sunday, April 8, 2007


Immortal Productions alongside Jagowale, Kulwinder Singh Johal, Shveta, Surinder Singh & Narinder Singh, Tigerstyle, XS-BASS
and introducing
Bhai Balkar Singh Chola Sahib, Crative Boy, Des-C, G.N.E., Kanwar, Manpreet Singh, Money Spinner & Raxstar

proudly present their next addition to the revolutionary Shaheedi series: Panj

After the phenomenal impact of the previous four albums, the Immortals team have released their latest offering. With this album the purpose remains the same, to remember the sacrifices of the brave Singhs and Kaurs who stood tall against the face of oppression and injustice and to inspire a whole new generation of Sikhs, proud of their history and heritage. Dedicated to those who died for the faith, this fifth album explores issues of identity, equality, courage, strength and the self sacrifice of countless saintly warriors who abandoned the comforts of their homes and loved ones, to walk on a path where mortal death was a certainty.

Traditional dhad, sarangi and kaveeshar have been fused with modern and western sounds along with some of the best rapping talent in the western Sikh hemisphere to create a captivating and innovative sound that is unparalleled. Not only are the tracks enthralling to listen to, but the depth of the lyrics instils a sense of pride that both links us back to our sisters & brothers-in-arms, who have sacrificed their present to secure our future but also questions our own roles in the faith today

We pay homage to the sons and daughters of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, who have coloured our history with their blood and have inspired generation after generation to walk defiantly on the path of the Guru whilst facing all challengers, tyrants and oppressors. This album is devoted to them, and to all the future Sikh Soormeh who will, without doubt, keep the kesri nishaan’s of the panth hoisted proudly in the skies.

Available across the World at Vaisakhi celebrations in April 2007.
The album can also be purchased from the Immortal Productions website at