Monday, February 4, 2008


Perseverance is the word of the day.

Dictionary Definition: steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.

Perseverance to me, is never giving up. There are a lot times in life, when we feel like we're not good enough, or we feel that we are not suited for the situation or the feeling that "maybe this just isn't me". But, I think those moments are the defining moments of our life. Because it is THEN, that we realize that yeah it is hard, and there are a lot of difficult obstacles in the way, and yeah no matter how hard I try, there's always someone there to try and bring you down, BUT, no matter what happens, I have to keep trying, I have to keep fighting and I will NOT quit.
I can admit I've had those moments in my life, and I still do. But those are the times when I realize that if I really do want it that bad, then I have to keep the struggle alive and I have to keep my head up.

Lynn Davies once said. "It's perseverance that's the key. It's persevering for long enough to achieve your potential."

Guru Granth Sahib also says "mann tu jot saroop hai, apna mool pachaan"
Meaning, "Oh mind, you are Divine, realize your potential".

Always remember that no matter how tough it gets, or how bad the situation is, if you persevere for long enough, you WILL make it through, you WILL survive and if its something you really want to achieve and work hard enough for it, you WILL succeed. And that's the word.

So with that being said, Congratulations to the New York Giants, Champions of the NFL SUPERBOWL 42 for Persevering through the hard times, getting through the obstacles, and realizing your potential. As a Washington Redskins fan, I commend you on your victory, a job well done.

(shoutout to my boy Suchi (and bhabi) for throwin a kickass Superbowl Party at his spot, Much Love)

Anywho, I now give you the Sickest Play of the night

Peace and Perseverance

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